At RESCHOOL, we believe in ensuring young people have access to learning everywhere to transform lives and communities. That’s why we are excited to introduce our new Equitable Ecosystems of Learning Online Modules — a dynamic resource designed to help educators, policymakers, and organizations create more inclusive and equitable learning environments.

Our first module, Learning Dollars for Youth: What They Are, How to Design and Implement Them, and Their Impact, is a deep dive into the pivotal role Learning Dollars Programs play in empowering young people. These programs provide the financial support that allows students to explore their passions and access opportunities tailored to their unique needs and interests. By equitably distributing resources, we can help ensure every young person has the chance to thrive, regardless of their background.

This module not only offers actionable insights on designing and implementing these programs but also shares inspiring stories from families who have benefited from Learning Dollars. For instance, one young filmmaker in Denver discovered her passion and gained the skills she needed to continue her learning at the Denver School of the Arts. Another family connected their sons with enriching activities that ignited a love for learning and inspired their mother to become a community advocate, helping others navigate similar opportunities.

These stories remind us of the incredible impact we can have when we work together to build equitable learning ecosystems. At RESCHOOL, we’ve spent over a decade refining our approach, and now, we’re eager to share what we’ve learned with you through this online training series.

Join us in making education more equitable and accessible for all. Let’s continue to innovate, collaborate, and create learning environments where every student can succeed. Information on how to purchase and access the module can be found here