How Does RESCHOOL Do Its Work?


Young people, families, learning providers and communities are best suited to design and create solutions for the systems that seek to serve them. RESCHOOL partners with diverse groups to problem solve unmet needs in young people’s learning. We then co-create potential solutions and thoughtfully pilot those solutions alongside our community to learn if they meet the collective needs.

Woman writing on a white board


Authentic, equitable systems change will not occur from simply replicating an idea RESCHOOL has designed. Context matters. Local voices and partnerships are critical. That’s why RESCHOOL:

  • Works closely with families and community-based organizations to understand local contexts and surface their needs and desires.
  • Co-designs new solutions with our partners and invests in them and their ideas.
  • Incorporates a research agenda in all of our pursuits to learn and adapt as needed
  • Grows concepts that demonstrate impact and identifies how to inspire and resource others to use these ideas in their own contexts.
The Triple Loop

Frequent Iteration

Essential to being people-centered is the ability to adapt potential solutions based on what we’re learning. We reflect frequently and adjust course based on what our partners are experiencing. To guide us in this evolutionary work, RESCHOOL uses processes and tools within Design Lab.

Two women sitting at a table and talking


Just as we seek to help create an education system that is creative, adaptive, self-correcting, and decentralized, we seek to do the same as an organization. It is important to us to align how RESCHOOL operates internally with the world we hope to see externally. Our vision for both systems is inspired more by natural, living systems than by industrial, mechanistic models.

Learn more about RESCHOOL through our Mission, Vision, and Values or the Impact of our work.