In order to participate in a RESCHOOL service/program, I will be asked to provide personally identifiable information including but not limited to my name, the name or names of my children, and my children’s ages, (“Personal Information”). I understand that RESCHOOL will collect, use, store, and share this data pursuant to this privacy policy.
Collection of Personal Information
RESCHOOL shall collect only the Personal Information that is needed for purposes of implementing the program/service I am participating in. RESCHOOL shall gather such Personal Information directly from me and shall not collect such information from third-parties. RESCHOOL shall not collect Personal Information beyond that which is needed to implement the program/service.
Use and Storage of Personal Information
RESCHOOL shall employ reasonable efforts to ensure that the use and storage of Personal Information is limited in order to preserve the confidential nature of the information. RESCHOOL will limit the use of Personal Information to only those employees or agents who have a legitimate need to use such information for purposes of the program/service. RESCHOOL shall not sell the Personal Information to third-parties. RESCHOOL shall use reasonable precautions to ensure that the Personal Information is stored on its private and secured network.
Sharing of Personal Information
RESCHOOL shall not share the Personal Information beyond those employees and agents or its affiliated companies, who have a legitimate need to use the Personal Information. In no event will RESCHOOL publish or share Personal Information with a third-party in a manner that will publicly expose any participant’s Personal Information.
By clicking “Agree”, I am giving permission for RESCHOOL to collect, use, store and share Personal Information pursuant to this Privacy Policy.
Last Updated: October 2022